THE MAACA DAILY NEWS! Your daily read about YOU,the members!

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Re: THE MAACA DAILY NEWS! Your daily read about YOU,the members!

Post by Mrhide »

R.A.B. wrote: Mon May 15, 2023 1:14 pm MINI-POST RUBBERS have gone up in price Phil,

.35 cents instead of .32

donc mon kit de rubber au complet, des boites de lumières, des flashers, de balles plus la bouteille de novus pour 30$ c'est le prix 1998?
LF: COLOR VECTOR monitor, shmups or any PCB, specifically Namco System 1 (Pacmania), let me know what you have!

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Re: THE MAACA DAILY NEWS! Your daily read about YOU,the members!

Post by WARLOCK »


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Re: THE MAACA DAILY NEWS! Your daily read about YOU,the members!

Post by R.A.B. »

Mrhide wrote: Mon May 15, 2023 4:10 pm
R.A.B. wrote: Mon May 15, 2023 1:14 pm MINI-POST RUBBERS have gone up in price Phil,

.35 cents instead of .32

donc mon kit de rubber au complet, des boites de lumières, des flashers, de balles plus la bouteille de novus pour 30$ c'est le prix 1998?
Don't tempt me to look up those old end of the millennium prices Phil. I do have a price list (we called it the weekly cardex) at Laniel Automatic and it is in my closet somewhere, dated around 1999. It was an IBM 36 print out of that 400K parts inventory they carried in 8000 square feet of parts space on Rockland road. (the building was about 30,000 square feet, previously an old cigar factory ) They had every line of equipment and every part you ever needed to keep that equipment running and a service dept. to support operators. That was a huge resource to have at hand and we will likely never see such a thing again in our city. That blue binded cardex along with that CRT green dos screen was what we would work with when we had to negotiate a large order from operators or sub distributers. So your generous rubber kit, ball and Novus would not qualify for haggling, but it remains a beautiful gesture and deserves a tip of the hat in respect for the past.

The biggest parts sales day I remember when working at Laniel Automatic was 22K of parts in one day> The usual daily Purolator shipments for across Canada were about 40 to 50 packages daily plus Canada post orders which would be about 10 to 15 a day. We were 4 sales guys, one shipper, one stock guy/receiver and all working the phone lines as needed. We also had those walk in customers at the parts counter and no email orders, it was so much fun to go to work.

The day we broke 20K in parts sales, Domenic Laniel came in the parts dept. and patted me on the back once the numbers were in at the end of the day. Now I am going to Switzerland at the end of this month to have a chat with him about the remains of the amusement industry in hopes that he still has pictures of the 30's and 40's when his grandfather was on Notre-Dame street, I want to get those on the web so as to preserve some of what they now call "lost media".

In contrast -

Biggest parts sales day I ever had at Alouette was about 3200 in one day just to give you an idea. The decline of operators speaks volumes via that comparison. Operators with serious routes have become less active and many traditional locations have disappeared, and to that the factor that there is little to no "relève". Same in so many industries that demand thinking on your feet, physical work and a driven mindset in a context that supports & rewards effort. We are definitely in a different ball game now and the future looks like it may need some help from the past.
Last edited by R.A.B. on Wed May 17, 2023 6:33 am, edited 1 time in total.

Bally 1936 "Bumper" - North Star 1949 "Sea Breeze" - North Star 1950 "Richelieu" - Universal 1950 "Feature Bell" - Gottlieb 1952 "Queen of Hearts" - Williams 1960 "Ten Spot" - Gottlieb 1971 "Challenger" - Williams 1973 "OXO" - Bally 1976 "Bonanza"

Maxed out at 10 machines, no more. Un max de 10 machines, pas plus.
Une règle suivi guéri de tout. A rule respected can cure anything.

A philosophy of doing shall rule until the days when I can no longer "do" arrive. Because when I am too old to adjust an AX relay or relieve a woman friend from sighing, there will only be memories to fill my time. So, the task at hand is to build that RRSP of memories in order to joyfully cushion the later stages of life.

Personally prefer the exceptional qualities lurking beneath any normal state of affairs. Alas, our day to day is being promoted as extraordinary via a world wide web largely fueled by the new dumb & followed closely by the latest breed of unscrupulous scoundrels & judas goats. So, god bless the fool hearted, the crazed, and the railroaded all in good measure for they will likely inherit what is left of the earth after the screwheads are done with it. God damn darwinian primates, why do they refuse to evolve, even after all we should have learned from being dumb savages for so long.

"I try my best to be just like I am, but everybody wants you, to be just like them. " - Zimmy

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Re: THE MAACA DAILY NEWS! Your daily read about YOU,the members!

Post by WARLOCK »

The live event industry is the closest thing I can compare to the past, for coin operations in it's heyday.
We work for corporate and industry and the public and we suffered more than I can say during sars and covid.

However, I learned an immense amount from Robert and a few friends that have got us through these past several years of insanity.
Our parts inventory and our actual shop inventories are similar, but yet we do no sell and cater to the public: and do not do what they all once did.

It is actually starting to return now; 12-13 months after the gloves are off from "pandemic times": to try and reclaim the past and do events and (move forward) once again.
I do feel like I am travelling down a slightly worn out set of "old stone roads" from the distant past and in the next few months, get those 200+ pinball machines working and on wheels...

It is a "cart-path of existence" that was once the Roman Roads based on ancient Greek Philosophies of far previous illuminations of "Atlantis" civilizations of old and ancient times that lead us forward.
It is the "hope" of doing good work that we might line up to what we "feel" our mentors and giants of the past have already done and accomplished long before us; with perhaps a "nod" distantly from them.. as we proceed forward.

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Re: THE MAACA DAILY NEWS! Your daily read about YOU,the members!

Post by Mrhide »

R.A.B. wrote: Tue May 16, 2023 8:52 pm Don't tempt me to look up those old end of the millennium prices Phil.
no need!
Flipper rubber where 0.95$ dec 12th 2001 at Laniel!

and ONLY 0.75$ each (black! not red!) at Starburst on january 17th 2003! WAAHTT?!

oh... and another time piece right here when I bought TOTAN for 2400$ (+ taxes which really pissed me off at the time! :lol: ) from Michel
R.A.B. wrote: Tue May 16, 2023 8:52 pm It was an IBM 36 print out of that 400K parts inventory they carried in 8000 square feet of parts space on Rockland road.
I remember seeing that IBM 36 when amusement911 bought that big ass mainframe... just for fun
So your generous rubber kit, ball and Novus would not qualify for haggling, but it remains a beautiful gesture and deserves a tip of the hat in respect for the past.


Now I am going to Switzerland at the end of this month to have a chat with him about the remains of the amusement industry in hopes that he still has pictures of the 30's and 40's when his grandfather was on Notre-Dame street, I want to get those on the web so as to preserve some of what they now call "lost media".
very cool!! enjoy!! (I'll try to stop by friday)
LF: COLOR VECTOR monitor, shmups or any PCB, specifically Namco System 1 (Pacmania), let me know what you have!

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Re: THE MAACA DAILY NEWS! Your daily read about YOU,the members!

Post by R.A.B. »


Nice to see those docs again. The ones you displayed are from the fancy operating system Domenic Laniel decided was needed and is what replaced the old IBM workhorse which apparnetly could not accomodate the change from 1999 to the 2000's. That monster took up office space behind the employee lunch room with data entry stations and two full time employees tending to the beast. Preyear 2000 invoices & statements were printed on carbon copy paper via a dot matrix printer, I can still hear it. Those Starburst invoices were generated from "Bizness" Vision or Nav Vision or something like that, I remember switching to People Soft and realizing that Orwell's 1984 had just arrived on Bégin street. So I packed up my belongings and went back to that time @ Alouette which is somewhere the Oracle was actually a thing from the ancient past. Take me back, way back.


Damn straight Scott.

We have a hell of alot of company on the roads we travel, even though we can't see or talk to these people anymore. Those who passed before us occasionally have what would seem like new knowledge to us by now, full circle stuff like knowledge gathered through years of experience that will seems new again as time marches on. It is our responsibilty to look that up.

In my opinion, not knowing, or not acknowleging the history of the work you do is just plain arrogant, and at worse freakin' dangerous to a sustainable futur.
Last edited by R.A.B. on Wed May 17, 2023 11:55 am, edited 2 times in total.

Bally 1936 "Bumper" - North Star 1949 "Sea Breeze" - North Star 1950 "Richelieu" - Universal 1950 "Feature Bell" - Gottlieb 1952 "Queen of Hearts" - Williams 1960 "Ten Spot" - Gottlieb 1971 "Challenger" - Williams 1973 "OXO" - Bally 1976 "Bonanza"

Maxed out at 10 machines, no more. Un max de 10 machines, pas plus.
Une règle suivi guéri de tout. A rule respected can cure anything.

A philosophy of doing shall rule until the days when I can no longer "do" arrive. Because when I am too old to adjust an AX relay or relieve a woman friend from sighing, there will only be memories to fill my time. So, the task at hand is to build that RRSP of memories in order to joyfully cushion the later stages of life.

Personally prefer the exceptional qualities lurking beneath any normal state of affairs. Alas, our day to day is being promoted as extraordinary via a world wide web largely fueled by the new dumb & followed closely by the latest breed of unscrupulous scoundrels & judas goats. So, god bless the fool hearted, the crazed, and the railroaded all in good measure for they will likely inherit what is left of the earth after the screwheads are done with it. God damn darwinian primates, why do they refuse to evolve, even after all we should have learned from being dumb savages for so long.

"I try my best to be just like I am, but everybody wants you, to be just like them. " - Zimmy

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Re: THE MAACA DAILY NEWS! Your daily read about YOU,the members!

Post by cap »

R.A.B. wrote: Wed May 17, 2023 9:42 am @MrHide

Nice to see those docs again. The ones you displayed are from the fancy operating system Domenic Laniel decided was needed and is what replaced the old IBM workhorse which apparnetly could not accomodate the change from 1999 to the 2000's.
Funny how I was about to say those invoices still suffered from the Y2K bug in 2003.
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Re: THE MAACA DAILY NEWS! Your daily read about YOU,the members!

Post by cait001 »

well said Rab. Now, can I please borrow that Canadian Coin Box to scan? :)
backglasses wanted: Star-Jet, Fairy, Star Trek (1971 Gottlieb)
marquees wanted: Roller Aces, Quiz Dragon, Strider, Varkon, Dark Planet, R-Type (w/ship), Quantum, Ninja (Sega)
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Re: THE MAACA DAILY NEWS! Your daily read about YOU,the members!

Post by WARLOCK »

There are things in life we need to get done I believe.
There are also things to do before the "fall of all".

Yes, I coined that first phrase after researching the last 15,000 years or so of human evolution.
Next and up on deck is: "all we can do" - "IS" - before the "watching of it all" unfold now...

Is just to proceed forward perhaps.
We are alive and we are active...

We need to "live".
And then "do".

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Re: THE MAACA DAILY NEWS! Your daily read about YOU,the members!

Post by WARLOCK »

Have I always been there for you for everything...
Every time you asked of it from me to go do so?

Have you always been there for me in return...
When I asked of you something far smaller to go do?

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Re: THE MAACA DAILY NEWS! Your daily read about YOU,the members!

Post by WARLOCK »

Sorry and "grande" apology based "please do not do what the philosopher's do"... here...
We are figuring out the "new" and "moderne" fall of times and how to help in these "moments of change".

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Re: THE MAACA DAILY NEWS! Your daily read about YOU,the members!

Post by WARLOCK »

Far too "philosophical" of late; indeed.
Time to then sell pinball machines perhaps...

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Re: THE MAACA DAILY NEWS! Your daily read about YOU,the members!

Post by R.A.B. »

WARLOCK wrote: Tue May 23, 2023 10:57 pm Far too "philosophical" of late; indeed.
Time to then sell pinball machines perhaps...
I have no idea what you mean Scotty. :lol:

Get rid of stuff, - for sure.

Bally 1936 "Bumper" - North Star 1949 "Sea Breeze" - North Star 1950 "Richelieu" - Universal 1950 "Feature Bell" - Gottlieb 1952 "Queen of Hearts" - Williams 1960 "Ten Spot" - Gottlieb 1971 "Challenger" - Williams 1973 "OXO" - Bally 1976 "Bonanza"

Maxed out at 10 machines, no more. Un max de 10 machines, pas plus.
Une règle suivi guéri de tout. A rule respected can cure anything.

A philosophy of doing shall rule until the days when I can no longer "do" arrive. Because when I am too old to adjust an AX relay or relieve a woman friend from sighing, there will only be memories to fill my time. So, the task at hand is to build that RRSP of memories in order to joyfully cushion the later stages of life.

Personally prefer the exceptional qualities lurking beneath any normal state of affairs. Alas, our day to day is being promoted as extraordinary via a world wide web largely fueled by the new dumb & followed closely by the latest breed of unscrupulous scoundrels & judas goats. So, god bless the fool hearted, the crazed, and the railroaded all in good measure for they will likely inherit what is left of the earth after the screwheads are done with it. God damn darwinian primates, why do they refuse to evolve, even after all we should have learned from being dumb savages for so long.

"I try my best to be just like I am, but everybody wants you, to be just like them. " - Zimmy

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Re: THE MAACA DAILY NEWS! Your daily read about YOU,the members!

Post by R.A.B. »

cait001 wrote: Wed May 17, 2023 9:45 pm well said Rab. Now, can I please borrow that Canadian Coin Box to scan? :)
It belongs to one of my favorite clients (Mr. O.), I will have to ask.

For now it lives on the coffee table at the office with other messages/reminders from another time.

Bally 1936 "Bumper" - North Star 1949 "Sea Breeze" - North Star 1950 "Richelieu" - Universal 1950 "Feature Bell" - Gottlieb 1952 "Queen of Hearts" - Williams 1960 "Ten Spot" - Gottlieb 1971 "Challenger" - Williams 1973 "OXO" - Bally 1976 "Bonanza"

Maxed out at 10 machines, no more. Un max de 10 machines, pas plus.
Une règle suivi guéri de tout. A rule respected can cure anything.

A philosophy of doing shall rule until the days when I can no longer "do" arrive. Because when I am too old to adjust an AX relay or relieve a woman friend from sighing, there will only be memories to fill my time. So, the task at hand is to build that RRSP of memories in order to joyfully cushion the later stages of life.

Personally prefer the exceptional qualities lurking beneath any normal state of affairs. Alas, our day to day is being promoted as extraordinary via a world wide web largely fueled by the new dumb & followed closely by the latest breed of unscrupulous scoundrels & judas goats. So, god bless the fool hearted, the crazed, and the railroaded all in good measure for they will likely inherit what is left of the earth after the screwheads are done with it. God damn darwinian primates, why do they refuse to evolve, even after all we should have learned from being dumb savages for so long.

"I try my best to be just like I am, but everybody wants you, to be just like them. " - Zimmy

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Re: THE MAACA DAILY NEWS! Your daily read about YOU,the members!

Post by R.A.B. »

English will follow.

Dernier jour au bureau aujourd’hui pour deux semaines. De retour vendredi le 9 juin. Le comptable Patrick va être ici comme d'habitude les lundi, Mardi et Jeudi si vous avez des pièces prête a ramasser. SVP appeler avant de vous déplacer j'usqua mon retour le 9 juin, après ca le bureau sera ouvert 5 jour semaines comme indiquer sur notre site web.

Alors pour rendre ça plus simple, :FP: il n y aura personne au bureau - Mercredi le 31 mai, Vendredi le 2 juin et Mercredi le 7 juin.

Last day at the office today for two weeks. Back Friday June 9th. The accountant Patrick will be here as usual on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays if you have parts to pick up. Please call before you drop in until my return on June 9 when the parts office will be open 5 days a week as indicated on our website.

To make it easier :FP: the office will be closed Wed. May 31, Fri.June 2 & Wed. June 7th.

Google Alouette Amusement or Montreal Pinball & Co.


Bally 1936 "Bumper" - North Star 1949 "Sea Breeze" - North Star 1950 "Richelieu" - Universal 1950 "Feature Bell" - Gottlieb 1952 "Queen of Hearts" - Williams 1960 "Ten Spot" - Gottlieb 1971 "Challenger" - Williams 1973 "OXO" - Bally 1976 "Bonanza"

Maxed out at 10 machines, no more. Un max de 10 machines, pas plus.
Une règle suivi guéri de tout. A rule respected can cure anything.

A philosophy of doing shall rule until the days when I can no longer "do" arrive. Because when I am too old to adjust an AX relay or relieve a woman friend from sighing, there will only be memories to fill my time. So, the task at hand is to build that RRSP of memories in order to joyfully cushion the later stages of life.

Personally prefer the exceptional qualities lurking beneath any normal state of affairs. Alas, our day to day is being promoted as extraordinary via a world wide web largely fueled by the new dumb & followed closely by the latest breed of unscrupulous scoundrels & judas goats. So, god bless the fool hearted, the crazed, and the railroaded all in good measure for they will likely inherit what is left of the earth after the screwheads are done with it. God damn darwinian primates, why do they refuse to evolve, even after all we should have learned from being dumb savages for so long.

"I try my best to be just like I am, but everybody wants you, to be just like them. " - Zimmy

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Re: THE MAACA DAILY NEWS! Your daily read about YOU,the members!

Post by Azatotht »

Basement rebuild should start soon, I have plumbing to do first to make sure that there is no more sewer backup next time there is heavy rain.

Have some work to do outside around the windows as well since water came in from there too last time.

And THEN I will move on to the basement rebuild and will hopefully be able to get pinball machines in before the end of the summer !

Farfalla will then be coming home, one of the rare games on my list that I have never owned before.

Been waiting for that since last... SEPTEMBER :FP:
I am the monster that breathing men would kill.
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Re: THE MAACA DAILY NEWS! Your daily read about YOU,the members!

Post by Azatotht »

There is everything on Youtube, everything...

My pool pump was dead, couldn't start it. Was about to buy a new one but hey, decided to check on Youtube just for fun.

Found a 9 years old video, watched it, went outside and started my pump under 5 minutes !

So folks, MAACA might not be what it used to be but as a knowledge base, it is worth gold to someone having to fix something.

I wish people would post more stuff but what can I do, arcade business is back and it's a hard fought game apparently.

Have a great day everyone.
I am the monster that breathing men would kill.
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Re: THE MAACA DAILY NEWS! Your daily read about YOU,the members!

Post by mrmikeman »

So what was wrong with the pump?

I had an issue as well this week. Pump was sucking in a lot of air. Super low pressure on filter. Even cracked open the filter to make sure there was filtration media still in it. Turns out the ball valve on the pump intake broke internally. The handle would still move (hard to move) to open and closed positions but the ball inside was not moving. Stupid and simple but difficult to see the issue without looking straight in the inlet.
Labyrinth (#21)
Jurassic Park LE (#449)
JAWS Premium
Scooby Doo CE (#141)
Looney Tunes CE (#086)
MultiMorphic P3 with all modules except Lexy Lightspeed
Star Wars Prem
Star Trek the Next Generation

Seeburg STD2 Entertainer - Converted to MP3 while retaining the original look and feel. *FOR SALE - $500
NSM Emerald Ice CD(100) wall hanger juke. *FOR SALE - $1400

Gone but not forgotten
So many... Lexy Lightspeed, Recel Lady Luck, Gtb Pro-Football, CCrLE, WOZ ECLE, Stern POTC, Star Trek Pro, MMrRE, Stranger Things LE, Dr Who, RFM, SWEP1, Road Show, Monster Bash, Twilight Zone, Lord of the Rings, Simpsons Pinball Party, Demolition Man, Terminator 2, Funhouse, Tales from the Crypt, High Speed, Bad Cats, Flintstones, WWF Royal Rumble, Laser War, Laser Ball, Silver Slugger, Batman Forever, Pinbot, 6 Million Dollar Man, Galaxy, Meteor, Countdown, Hot Tip(SS), and others I just can't think of lol.

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Re: THE MAACA DAILY NEWS! Your daily read about YOU,the members!

Post by Azatotht »

This video explains exactly what was wrong:

Basically, the motor was seized but I could kickstart it with a screwdriver.

Starts perfectly now.
I am the monster that breathing men would kill.
I, am Dracula... (and you're not!)

Pinball machines I have owned

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Re: THE MAACA DAILY NEWS! Your daily read about YOU,the members!

Post by mrmikeman »

Interesting. I threw one out a few years ago. This was probably the issue.
Labyrinth (#21)
Jurassic Park LE (#449)
JAWS Premium
Scooby Doo CE (#141)
Looney Tunes CE (#086)
MultiMorphic P3 with all modules except Lexy Lightspeed
Star Wars Prem
Star Trek the Next Generation

Seeburg STD2 Entertainer - Converted to MP3 while retaining the original look and feel. *FOR SALE - $500
NSM Emerald Ice CD(100) wall hanger juke. *FOR SALE - $1400

Gone but not forgotten
So many... Lexy Lightspeed, Recel Lady Luck, Gtb Pro-Football, CCrLE, WOZ ECLE, Stern POTC, Star Trek Pro, MMrRE, Stranger Things LE, Dr Who, RFM, SWEP1, Road Show, Monster Bash, Twilight Zone, Lord of the Rings, Simpsons Pinball Party, Demolition Man, Terminator 2, Funhouse, Tales from the Crypt, High Speed, Bad Cats, Flintstones, WWF Royal Rumble, Laser War, Laser Ball, Silver Slugger, Batman Forever, Pinbot, 6 Million Dollar Man, Galaxy, Meteor, Countdown, Hot Tip(SS), and others I just can't think of lol.

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Re: THE MAACA DAILY NEWS! Your daily read about YOU,the members!

Post by cap »

It probably means the pump is starting to rust internally. It might be on borrowed time.
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Re: THE MAACA DAILY NEWS! Your daily read about YOU,the members!

Post by Azatotht »

cap wrote: Tue May 30, 2023 3:41 pm It probably means the pump is starting to rust internally. It might be on borrowed time.
Yes, but I’ll take any extra I can get :D
I am the monster that breathing men would kill.
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Pinball machines I have owned

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Re: THE MAACA DAILY NEWS! Your daily read about YOU,the members!

Post by WARLOCK »

I am finding it difficult to post my friends.
On route central to east very soon to get things done.

I don't know how to add or contribute other than contact me.
Those of us on the move and getting things done. Text my cell. 416 671 0244

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Re: THE MAACA DAILY NEWS! Your daily read about YOU,the members!

Post by WARLOCK »

WDYDTITH - And pins for sale but best to text me.
200+ owned now and that seems slightly excessive.

416 671 0244

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Re: THE MAACA DAILY NEWS! Your daily read about YOU,the members!

Post by Azatotht »

WARLOCK wrote: Mon Jun 05, 2023 11:09 pm 200+ owned now and that seems slightly excessive.
Just a little bit ;)
I am the monster that breathing men would kill.
I, am Dracula... (and you're not!)

Pinball machines I have owned

Currently playing: Stern Lightning, Bally Elektra

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