Arcade1up j'adore !

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Re: Arcade1up j'adore !

Post by R.A.B. »

Tabarnac !!

Dis moi donc Max, qu'est ce que mon ancienne blonde fait dans ton sous sol avec ces games la ? :o

Ca a pas de bon sens, mais si c'est un juste point de vente, je comprends. Faut vendre ces machines a tout prix. :lol:

Big business = ............

Bally 1936 "Bumper" - North Star 1949 "Sea Breeze" - North Star 1950 "Richelieu" - Universal 1950 "Feature Bell" - Gottlieb 1952 "Queen of Hearts" - Williams 1960 "Ten Spot" - Gottlieb 1971 "Challenger" - Williams 1973 "OXO" - Bally 1976 "Bonanza"

Maxed out at 10 machines, no more. Un max de 10 machines, pas plus.
Une règle suivi guéri de tout. A rule respected can cure anything.

A philosophy of doing shall rule until the days when I can no longer "do" arrive. Because when I am too old to adjust an AX relay or relieve a woman friend from sighing, there will only be memories to fill my time. So, the task at hand is to build that RRSP of memories in order to joyfully cushion the later stages of life.

Personally prefer the exceptional qualities lurking beneath any normal state of affairs. Alas, our day to day is being promoted as extraordinary via a world wide web largely fueled by the new dumb & followed closely by the latest breed of unscrupulous scoundrels & judas goats. So, god bless the fool hearted, the crazed, and the railroaded all in good measure for they will likely inherit what is left of the earth after the screwheads are done with it. God damn darwinian primates, why do they refuse to evolve, even after all we should have learned from being dumb savages for so long.

"I try my best to be just like I am, but everybody wants you, to be just like them. " - Zimmy

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HPR Pinball
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Re: Arcade1up j'adore !

Post by HPR Pinball »

Jouer a des jeux d'arcade sur lcd c'est un sacrilège mais je passe l'éponge pour cette fois ! :D
The video game i want to play is always the one i don't have :FP:
Les arcades, j'suis tombé d'dans quand j'tait pti !! :-)

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Re: Arcade1up j'adore !

Post by R.A.B. »

HPR Pinball wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 4:06 pm Jouer a des jeux d'arcade sur lcd c'est un sacrilège mais je passe l'éponge pour cette fois ! :D
Complètement dac, sur ces deux faits saillants !!

Bally 1936 "Bumper" - North Star 1949 "Sea Breeze" - North Star 1950 "Richelieu" - Universal 1950 "Feature Bell" - Gottlieb 1952 "Queen of Hearts" - Williams 1960 "Ten Spot" - Gottlieb 1971 "Challenger" - Williams 1973 "OXO" - Bally 1976 "Bonanza"

Maxed out at 10 machines, no more. Un max de 10 machines, pas plus.
Une règle suivi guéri de tout. A rule respected can cure anything.

A philosophy of doing shall rule until the days when I can no longer "do" arrive. Because when I am too old to adjust an AX relay or relieve a woman friend from sighing, there will only be memories to fill my time. So, the task at hand is to build that RRSP of memories in order to joyfully cushion the later stages of life.

Personally prefer the exceptional qualities lurking beneath any normal state of affairs. Alas, our day to day is being promoted as extraordinary via a world wide web largely fueled by the new dumb & followed closely by the latest breed of unscrupulous scoundrels & judas goats. So, god bless the fool hearted, the crazed, and the railroaded all in good measure for they will likely inherit what is left of the earth after the screwheads are done with it. God damn darwinian primates, why do they refuse to evolve, even after all we should have learned from being dumb savages for so long.

"I try my best to be just like I am, but everybody wants you, to be just like them. " - Zimmy

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Re: Arcade1up j'adore !

Post by Azatotht »

Désolé les boys mais non... svp pas de nudité ou autre choses similaires.

De 1 c'est un forum familial, et de deux je vais perdre Adsense parce qu'ils m'ont déjà averti.

J'aime ça autant que vous mais laissons cela pour les sites spécialisés svp :FP: :mrgreen:
I am the monster that breathing men would kill.
I, am Dracula... (and you're not!)

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