Freeplay Fridays/Funday Sundays at Montreal Pinball Medics Arcade!
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Re: Freeplay Fridays/Funday Sundays at Montreal Pinball Medics Arcade!
Can you clarify the free play open hours for this week?
Judge Dredd, Road Show, Last Action Hero, Rocky & Bullwinkle, Stargate, F14 Tomcat
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Re: Freeplay Fridays/Funday Sundays at Montreal Pinball Medics Arcade!
Sure. 10am to 6pm. We advertized 5pm on Facebook but we will stay open longer if there are people.
Rob I.
923 Ave. Girouard, Montréal, QC H4A 3B9
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Re: Freeplay Fridays/Funday Sundays at Montreal Pinball Medics Arcade!
Hey guys,
A couple more additions this week for la relache!
Come enjoy High Speed and Dirty Harry on this nice Friday!
Rob I.
A couple more additions this week for la relache!
Come enjoy High Speed and Dirty Harry on this nice Friday!
Rob I.
923 Ave. Girouard, Montréal, QC H4A 3B9
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Re: Freeplay Fridays/Funday Sundays at Montreal Pinball Medics Arcade!
Hey hey, vendredi!!!
We have a new resto job finished, as well as an amazing new addition!!
Mick Jagger has gotten a massive facelift! Come enjoy our redone Bally Rolling Stones!
And pur newest addition to the arcade, none other than the legendary Rudy himself!!
It's getting late! Come play Funhouse!
See you tonight!
Rob I.
We have a new resto job finished, as well as an amazing new addition!!
Mick Jagger has gotten a massive facelift! Come enjoy our redone Bally Rolling Stones!
And pur newest addition to the arcade, none other than the legendary Rudy himself!!
It's getting late! Come play Funhouse!
See you tonight!
Rob I.
923 Ave. Girouard, Montréal, QC H4A 3B9
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Re: Freeplay Fridays/Funday Sundays at Montreal Pinball Medics Arcade!
Bon, y fait chaud! Ça faque on joue dehors!
Rob I.
Rob I.
923 Ave. Girouard, Montréal, QC H4A 3B9
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Re: Freeplay Fridays/Funday Sundays at Montreal Pinball Medics Arcade!
C'est vendredi! Come party with us!
Especially wih the new arrivals. First, PARTY ANIMALS!!!
And if your week sucked, we have a Black Hole for you! Come on over!
Rob I.
Especially wih the new arrivals. First, PARTY ANIMALS!!!
And if your week sucked, we have a Black Hole for you! Come on over!
Rob I.
923 Ave. Girouard, Montréal, QC H4A 3B9
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Re: Freeplay Fridays/Funday Sundays at Montreal Pinball Medics Arcade!
Ok, pas vendredi encore. Not Friday yet. But I was excited to get some machines in the line up.
Like the classics? Well, I think we have the only arcade in Quebec with such a big line of classic Bally pinballs. And we have a few more in the works, including some Sterns, Williams and Gottliebs.
I need more space. Ha ha. A "happy problem"!
Come on over Friday. Let me know what music you want playing. I will put it on, and let you all have a good time.
Rob I.
Like the classics? Well, I think we have the only arcade in Quebec with such a big line of classic Bally pinballs. And we have a few more in the works, including some Sterns, Williams and Gottliebs.
I need more space. Ha ha. A "happy problem"!
Come on over Friday. Let me know what music you want playing. I will put it on, and let you all have a good time.
Rob I.
923 Ave. Girouard, Montréal, QC H4A 3B9
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Re: Freeplay Fridays/Funday Sundays at Montreal Pinball Medics Arcade!
I'll be there with Fernando in a few weeks, hope to see the gang there again we had a great time.

I'll be there with Fernando in a few weeks, hope to see the gang there again we had a great time.
Pins: Black Hole , Future Spa, Pink Panther , Fire
Jukebox :1972 Seeburg Olympian sps160 , 1986 seeburg SCD-1
Arcade: hang on , space invaders 412 in 1
Projects : seeburg LPC-1
Jukebox :1972 Seeburg Olympian sps160 , 1986 seeburg SCD-1
Arcade: hang on , space invaders 412 in 1
Projects : seeburg LPC-1
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Re: Freeplay Fridays/Funday Sundays at Montreal Pinball Medics Arcade!
Yes this Arcade really rocks. Can't wait to go back. Had a great time with the guys.
Great Job Rob.
Great Job Rob.
Gottlieb Amazing Spider-Man (1980), Gottlieb Robo-War (1988), Gottlieb Deadly Weapon (1990), Gottlieb Class of 1812 (1991), Gottlieb Counterforce (1980), Gottlieb Sinbad (1978), Gottlieb Operation Thunder (1992), Gottlieb Diamond Lady (1988), Gottlieb Vulcan (1977), Fascination Circa 1933 (1979 cocktail pinball), Bally World Cup Soccer 94 (1994), Bally Black Belt (1986), Gottlieb Gold Wings (1986)
Projects: Williams Hayburners II (1968),Gottlieb Big Shot (1974)
Gone: Williams F-14 Tomcat, Williams Expo, Williams Lucky Ace, Gottlieb Buck Rogers, Gottlieb Swing Along, Gottlieb Genesis, Gottlieb Force II, Gottlieb Card Whiz, Gottlieb Sinbad, Gottlieb Fun Land, Bally Future Spa, Gottlieb Buccaneer, Gottlieb Dancing Dolls, Gottlieb Striker, Gottlieb Bad Girls, Gottlieb Jacks To Open, Gottlieb Pro Football, Gottlieb Incredible Hulk
Projects: Williams Hayburners II (1968),Gottlieb Big Shot (1974)
Gone: Williams F-14 Tomcat, Williams Expo, Williams Lucky Ace, Gottlieb Buck Rogers, Gottlieb Swing Along, Gottlieb Genesis, Gottlieb Force II, Gottlieb Card Whiz, Gottlieb Sinbad, Gottlieb Fun Land, Bally Future Spa, Gottlieb Buccaneer, Gottlieb Dancing Dolls, Gottlieb Striker, Gottlieb Bad Girls, Gottlieb Jacks To Open, Gottlieb Pro Football, Gottlieb Incredible Hulk
- MontrealPinballArcade
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Re: Freeplay Fridays/Funday Sundays at Montreal Pinball Medics Arcade!
Hey hey, c'est vendredi!
Quite a rare addition to the lineup tonight. A nice Catacomb by Stern!
I admit, I knew very little of this game. We refurbished it as it was electronically rough, but a friend told me about the rules, and wow. What a great game!
Come on over tonight and enjoy it, as well as our killer lineup of classics!
See you later!
Rob I.
Quite a rare addition to the lineup tonight. A nice Catacomb by Stern!
I admit, I knew very little of this game. We refurbished it as it was electronically rough, but a friend told me about the rules, and wow. What a great game!
Come on over tonight and enjoy it, as well as our killer lineup of classics!
See you later!
Rob I.
923 Ave. Girouard, Montréal, QC H4A 3B9
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Re: Freeplay Fridays/Funday Sundays at Montreal Pinball Medics Arcade!
C'est vendredi!
We have a couple of new classics on the floor this week.
Baby Pacman returning from a stint in Ottawa, and ready to have ghosts chase you!
And if hybrids aren't your thing, come pretend to be Grizzly Adams and catch wild animals in Frontier!
Come and enjoy!
Rob I.
We have a couple of new classics on the floor this week.
Baby Pacman returning from a stint in Ottawa, and ready to have ghosts chase you!
And if hybrids aren't your thing, come pretend to be Grizzly Adams and catch wild animals in Frontier!
Come and enjoy!
Rob I.
923 Ave. Girouard, Montréal, QC H4A 3B9
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Re: Freeplay Fridays/Funday Sundays at Montreal Pinball Medics Arcade!
Un changement d'air cette semaine. Parlons DMD!
The game of the week? Let's go Data East with Tales From The Crypt! Come and complete all modes in this really fun machine!
Crypt Keeper not your thing? Well, we have Arnold to the right and Metallica to the left!
Not a bad mix!
Looking forward to seeing you tonight!
Rob I.
The game of the week? Let's go Data East with Tales From The Crypt! Come and complete all modes in this really fun machine!
Crypt Keeper not your thing? Well, we have Arnold to the right and Metallica to the left!
Not a bad mix!
Looking forward to seeing you tonight!
Rob I.
923 Ave. Girouard, Montréal, QC H4A 3B9
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Re: Freeplay Fridays/Funday Sundays at Montreal Pinball Medics Arcade!
Pre-Friday update! Tabarnouche, ça roule! Been very busy! We just got a Super Chexx in for a repair, just in time for NHL playoffs!
I am thinking of making a repair blog. Might be useful for people.
Well, long story short, the owner of this machine inherited it from her dad. It hasn't worked in 14 years. Found a 2003 chip blown, and CPU was not booting properly Fixed that, installed some new gears, and it lives again!
Weather should be nice, so I will set it up outside. Come and enjoy a nice Friday evening!
Feeling a bit competitive? We also started a fun little improvised tournament, Friday Night Fight! 10 games, winner gets to brag. Lol
See you tomorrow!
Rob I.
I am thinking of making a repair blog. Might be useful for people.
Well, long story short, the owner of this machine inherited it from her dad. It hasn't worked in 14 years. Found a 2003 chip blown, and CPU was not booting properly Fixed that, installed some new gears, and it lives again!
Weather should be nice, so I will set it up outside. Come and enjoy a nice Friday evening!
Feeling a bit competitive? We also started a fun little improvised tournament, Friday Night Fight! 10 games, winner gets to brag. Lol
See you tomorrow!
Rob I.
923 Ave. Girouard, Montréal, QC H4A 3B9
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Re: Freeplay Fridays/Funday Sundays at Montreal Pinball Medics Arcade!
Vendredi!! Enfin!
Not in Allentown? That's ok. We got you covered.
Nevermind sending a probe. Come warp yourself here and enjoy our newest addition, Star Trek The Next Generation.
Make it so. Engage.
Ok, ok... not too Trekkie? More down to earth? Redneck perhaps? Come shoot sum deer and drink sum (root) beer, on Big Buck Hunter!
Weather's amazing. Come play outside! I will set up Frogger and Millionaire outside to enjoy.
And need boards repaired? Again, we have you covered.
See you tonight!
Rob I.
Not in Allentown? That's ok. We got you covered.
Nevermind sending a probe. Come warp yourself here and enjoy our newest addition, Star Trek The Next Generation.
Make it so. Engage.
Ok, ok... not too Trekkie? More down to earth? Redneck perhaps? Come shoot sum deer and drink sum (root) beer, on Big Buck Hunter!
Weather's amazing. Come play outside! I will set up Frogger and Millionaire outside to enjoy.
And need boards repaired? Again, we have you covered.
See you tonight!
Rob I.
923 Ave. Girouard, Montréal, QC H4A 3B9
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Re: Freeplay Fridays/Funday Sundays at Montreal Pinball Medics Arcade!
Enfin vendredi. Quelle longue semaine!!
We have been hard at work this week. Holy crow. We had repairs, we had games to shop out for upcoming Quebec and Wasaga Beach shows, and on top of it all, I decided to expand a bit.
We had an 8x8 storage area in the basement. Kind of a catch-all. And like all collectors, we just were looking for more space for more games. Lol. So, bye bye storage!
So today, I clean up!
BUT.. I did pick up a game in our museum in Alfred last night. Adding Tempest back in the lineup!
Come join us, and even join our little in-house tournament, Friday Night Fight! Lol
A great weekend to all!
Rob I.
We have been hard at work this week. Holy crow. We had repairs, we had games to shop out for upcoming Quebec and Wasaga Beach shows, and on top of it all, I decided to expand a bit.
We had an 8x8 storage area in the basement. Kind of a catch-all. And like all collectors, we just were looking for more space for more games. Lol. So, bye bye storage!
So today, I clean up!
BUT.. I did pick up a game in our museum in Alfred last night. Adding Tempest back in the lineup!
Come join us, and even join our little in-house tournament, Friday Night Fight! Lol
A great weekend to all!
Rob I.
923 Ave. Girouard, Montréal, QC H4A 3B9
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Re: Freeplay Fridays/Funday Sundays at Montreal Pinball Medics Arcade!
Tabarouettte. Cleaned it all up!
All ready! Come and enjoy before I make another mess! Lol
Rob I.
All ready! Come and enjoy before I make another mess! Lol
Rob I.
923 Ave. Girouard, Montréal, QC H4A 3B9
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Re: Freeplay Fridays/Funday Sundays at Montreal Pinball Medics Arcade!
Vendredi approche!
What do you do whenn you have to pull a lot of classics out of the lineup for 2 pinball shows?
Easy... bring more in!
First off, by special request, and because it is his birthday this weekend, we set up in the arcade a special machine, Jabrile's favorite, Flight 2000!
Add a splash of Gottlieb's Hulk, Stern's Freefall, Williams' Millionaire, Gottlieb's Mars God of War, and last but not least, JOUST, and we have a party waiting!
Come on over and play both Joust pinball and videogame! And come wish Juan a happy birthday!
See you Friday!
Rob I.
What do you do whenn you have to pull a lot of classics out of the lineup for 2 pinball shows?
Easy... bring more in!
First off, by special request, and because it is his birthday this weekend, we set up in the arcade a special machine, Jabrile's favorite, Flight 2000!
Add a splash of Gottlieb's Hulk, Stern's Freefall, Williams' Millionaire, Gottlieb's Mars God of War, and last but not least, JOUST, and we have a party waiting!
Come on over and play both Joust pinball and videogame! And come wish Juan a happy birthday!
See you Friday!
Rob I.
923 Ave. Girouard, Montréal, QC H4A 3B9
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Re: Freeplay Fridays/Funday Sundays at Montreal Pinball Medics Arcade!
Ouf. On travaille fort! Mais presque là !
Friday is upon us once again! We just loaded a bunch of games, and will head to Quebec City late tomorrow. But fear not! Mad Matt, our faithful videogame expert will be there for you all!
And our usual Borderland helpers as well, such ss DaveW!
Come blow off steam tomorrow! The machines are waiting!
And if you have boards in need of repair, bring them over!
Thank you to all for your support, and I hope to see you at the Quebec show!
Rob I.
Friday is upon us once again! We just loaded a bunch of games, and will head to Quebec City late tomorrow. But fear not! Mad Matt, our faithful videogame expert will be there for you all!
And our usual Borderland helpers as well, such ss DaveW!
Come blow off steam tomorrow! The machines are waiting!
And if you have boards in need of repair, bring them over!
Thank you to all for your support, and I hope to see you at the Quebec show!
Rob I.
923 Ave. Girouard, Montréal, QC H4A 3B9
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Re: Freeplay Fridays/Funday Sundays at Montreal Pinball Medics Arcade!
Presque vendredi!
Big day today. I had things to move around at the museum in Alfred, with Chris Silver and Sparky's help. Got it done quick! But tomorrow is an early morning. Loading up all the games in the trailer and driving to Wasaga Beach for the show wih Mike.
So, this Friday, I leave you in the capable hands of Mad Matt, with assistance from a few Borderlanders such as DaveW and Sparky.
Exceptionally, we will be closed this Sunday due to the Tour de l'Ile de Montréal that is passing on Girouard, in feont of the arcade.
See you at Wasaga Beach! Come say hi! And if ypu have some time to kill on Friday, come over to the arcade and have a good time! We have the Joust pinball set up, and it is very popular!
Rob I.
Big day today. I had things to move around at the museum in Alfred, with Chris Silver and Sparky's help. Got it done quick! But tomorrow is an early morning. Loading up all the games in the trailer and driving to Wasaga Beach for the show wih Mike.
So, this Friday, I leave you in the capable hands of Mad Matt, with assistance from a few Borderlanders such as DaveW and Sparky.
Exceptionally, we will be closed this Sunday due to the Tour de l'Ile de Montréal that is passing on Girouard, in feont of the arcade.
See you at Wasaga Beach! Come say hi! And if ypu have some time to kill on Friday, come over to the arcade and have a good time! We have the Joust pinball set up, and it is very popular!
Rob I.
923 Ave. Girouard, Montréal, QC H4A 3B9
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Re: Freeplay Fridays/Funday Sundays at Montreal Pinball Medics Arcade!
Vendredi! Enfin ciboire!!
We have lots of new games in house. Feeling like a little Gottlieb? How about some Mars God of War! Just finished repairing and fully shopping it out!
Hesitating between SS and EM? When in doubt, play both! We have our EM Night Rider that plays great, and just saved an SS version as well!
Not feeling for pins much? No problem. How about some classic videogame Canadiana, with Meteorites!
Come on over and say hi! We got 58 games set up for you!
Rob I.
We have lots of new games in house. Feeling like a little Gottlieb? How about some Mars God of War! Just finished repairing and fully shopping it out!
Hesitating between SS and EM? When in doubt, play both! We have our EM Night Rider that plays great, and just saved an SS version as well!
Not feeling for pins much? No problem. How about some classic videogame Canadiana, with Meteorites!
Come on over and say hi! We got 58 games set up for you!
Rob I.
923 Ave. Girouard, Montréal, QC H4A 3B9
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Re: Freeplay Fridays/Funday Sundays at Montreal Pinball Medics Arcade!
Vendredi!! Et la fête du Québec en plus!
Venez jouer nos nouveautés de la semaine,dont Strange Science!!
On vous attend!!
Bonne St-Jean à tous!!
Rob I.
Venez jouer nos nouveautés de la semaine,dont Strange Science!!
On vous attend!!
Bonne St-Jean à tous!!
Rob I.
923 Ave. Girouard, Montréal, QC H4A 3B9
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Re: Freeplay Fridays/Funday Sundays at Montreal Pinball Medics Arcade!
Bon vendredi tout le monde!
A bit of a different highlight machine this week.
You hot? Want to cool off? Well, we now have installed A/C in the arcade!
Come get refreshed and play some games!!
Rob I.
A bit of a different highlight machine this week.

You hot? Want to cool off? Well, we now have installed A/C in the arcade!
Come get refreshed and play some games!!
Rob I.
923 Ave. Girouard, Montréal, QC H4A 3B9
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Re: Freeplay Fridays/Funday Sundays at Montreal Pinball Medics Arcade!
One day late on my post, but I had to meet family for an event Friday, so, I had guest hosts. But, we have new editions this week.
I brought in my personal pin, Farfalla!
Also, we picked up a new machine, Captain Fantastic!
Cone and enjoy Funday Sunday fron 11am to 4pm in our AC cooled arcade!
Rob I.
One day late on my post, but I had to meet family for an event Friday, so, I had guest hosts. But, we have new editions this week.
I brought in my personal pin, Farfalla!
Also, we picked up a new machine, Captain Fantastic!
Cone and enjoy Funday Sunday fron 11am to 4pm in our AC cooled arcade!
Rob I.
923 Ave. Girouard, Montréal, QC H4A 3B9
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Re: Freeplay Fridays/Funday Sundays at Montreal Pinball Medics Arcade!
Bon vendredi tout le monde!
BIG addition this Friday!
You feel like the week has been hard? Want to shoot some zombies? Come on over! We just picked up a House of the Dead 4!
Boy, this game was heavy! But it is set up and ready for you all to enjoy!
See you all tonight!
Rob I.
BIG addition this Friday!
You feel like the week has been hard? Want to shoot some zombies? Come on over! We just picked up a House of the Dead 4!
Boy, this game was heavy! But it is set up and ready for you all to enjoy!
See you all tonight!
Rob I.
923 Ave. Girouard, Montréal, QC H4A 3B9
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Re: Freeplay Fridays/Funday Sundays at Montreal Pinball Medics Arcade!
Funhouse Friday! Come slap a dummy in the face with your steel balls!
Rudy awaits!
Rob I.
Rudy awaits!
Rob I.
923 Ave. Girouard, Montréal, QC H4A 3B9
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