This is part 5 & 6 of my PCB sales thread.
Important to know: don't be put off by the prices quoted. (They are only there because a price must be given).
There are no fixed prices, I always negotiate them with the potential buyers. It also always depends on how much they are willing to pay for a board. But in the end we always find a fair price.

Please take a look at my other sales threads as well!
ASTRO FIGHTER / Sega Gremlin/ Date East (fully working) OBO 699€
ASTRO INVADER / Stern (fully working) + Extras OBO 899€
LOOPING / Video Games (Venture Line) (working, but sound too quiet - very probably caused by the adapter) OBO 599€
SUPER TANK / Video Games (working, but sound too quiet - very probably caused by the adapter) OBO 499€
ZIPPY RACE[/ Irem (fully working) OBO 259€
TACTICIAN / Stern (fully working) OBO 399€
DIG DUG / Namco (fully working) OBO 499€
FANTASY / Rock-Ola (fully working) OBO 399€
ELEVATOR ACTION / Taito + JAMMA adapter (fully working) OBO 359€
TOP SECRET (BIONIC COMMANDO) / Capcom (fully working) OBO 339€
THUNDER CROSS II / Konami (fully working) OBO 619€
PARODIUS DA! / Konami (fully working) + Extras OBO 649€
BATTLE RANGERS / Data East (fully working) OBO 399€
VOLFIED / Taito (fully working) OBO 229€
RUN & GUN / Konami (fully working) + Extras OBO 189€
YIE AR KUNG-FU / Konami (untested) OBO 249€
PAC-LAND / Namco Bally Midway (fully working) OBO 399€
IRON HORSE / Konami (fully working) OBO 299€
THUNDER FOX / Taito (fully working) OBO 749€
FLAK ATTACK / Konami (fully working) OBO 399€
BLADES OF STEEL / Konami (fully working) OBO 379€
LITTLE ROBIN / TCH (fully working) OBO 899€
TETRIS / Atari (fully working) OBO 269€
FIRE TRAP/ Data East (fully working) OBO 389€
TIP TOP (CONGO BONGO) / Sega (fully working) OBO 289€
RAMPART - Manual OBO 39€
HANG-ON - Manual OBO 39€
NEO GEO METAL SLUG 4 - Artwork OBO 39€
LOVER BOY / Global Corporation Tokyo (fully working) OBO 2299€
JAIL BREAK / Konami (fully working) OBO 159€
HIT THE ICE / Taito (fully working) OBO 299€
VANGUARD / SNK (partially working: no rocket drop - maybe caused by faulty adapter) OBO 269€
TIME SOLDIERS / SNK (fully working) OBO 239€
SKY SOLDIERS / SNK (fully working) OBO 229€
ROBOCOP 2 / Data East (not working - scrambled graphic) OBO 269€
ULTRA X WEAPONS / ULTRA KAIBITAI / Banpresto (not working) OBO 449€
KONAMI'S PING PONG / Konami (partially working: sound, credits o.k.,but no video) OBO 149€
BLANDIA / Allumer (fully working) OBO 549€
BLADES OF STEEL / Konami (fully working) OBO 199€
JACKAL (TOP GUNNER) / Konami (fully working) OBO 249€
ROLLERGAMES / Konami (fully working) OBO 169€
KONAMI '88 / Konami (fully working) OBO 329€
GUERILLA WAR / SNK (fully working) OBO 349€
PEEK-A-BOO! / Jaleco (untested) OBO 499€
10 YARD FIGHT / Irem (partially working: no sound) OBO 169€
THE MAIN EVENT / Konami (fully working) OBO 149€
AERO FIGHTERS (SONIC WINGS) / Video System (fully working) OBO 169€
BLOCK BLOCK / Capcom (untested) OBO 259€
CRIME FIGHTERS / Konami (fully working) OBO 199€
VIOLENCE FIGHT / Taito (fully working) OBO 179€
THE NINJA KIDS / Taito (fully working) OBO 299€
OVER DRIVE/ Konami (untested) OBO 199€
OZON 1 / Proma (partially working: no sound) OBO 599€
CHANGE LANES / Taito (untested) OBO 499€
PINBO / Jaleco (partially working: no sound) OBO 279€
FIELD DAY (THE UNDOUKAI) / Taito (untested) OBO 699€
EQUITES / Alpha Denshi (partially working: sprite errors, no sound) OBO 599€
ACROBATIC DOG FIGHT (OHARA NO SUCHARAKA-KUCHUSEN) / Data East (partially working: no sound) OBO 319€
PRO SOCCER / Data East (untested) OBO 199€
ESPIAL / Orca (fully working) OBO 329€
ZODIACK / Orca (partially working: no sound) OBO 399€
CAR ACTION / Unknown (untested) OBO 199€
NOVA 2001 / UPL (untested) OBO 249€
LE BAGNARD (Cocktail) / Falcon (fully working) OBO 199€
ALPHAX Z / Bootleg? (fully working) OBO 199€
COOK RACE (BURGER TIME) / Bootleg (untested) OBO 159€
C-BALL / Bootleg (partially working: no sound) OBO 169€
TERRA CRESTA / Bootleg (untested) OBO 169€
KANGAROO / Atari (untested) OBO 189€
KONAMI GX-System motherboard (untested) OBO 269€
STREETFIGHTER II CHAMPION EDITION / Capcom CPS1 (not working: sprite errors, sound o.k.) OBO 249€
FLYING SHARK / Taito (not working) OBO 249€
SHAO LIN'S ROAD / Konami (fully working) OBO 179€
HYPER ATHELETE / Konami (fully working) OBO 259€
MLC SKULLFANG / Data East (fully working) OBO 229€
STV motherboard / Sega (fully working) OBO 249€
KONAMI SYSTEM 573 + 80s AC Special (fully working) OBO 559€
TAITO F3 motherboard (fully working) OBO 289€
BUBBLE SYMPHONY / Taito F3 (fully working) OBO 259€
BUBBLE MEMORIES / Taito F3 (fully working) OBO 329€
GEKIRINDAN / Taito F3 (fully working) OBO 399€
GIGAWING + CPS2 motherboard / Capcom (working, but sound very quiet) OBO 699€
CABAL / T.A.D. (fully working) OBO 199€
ROLLER ACES / Kaneko (fully working) OBO 329€
TOKIO SCRAMBLE FORMATION / Bootleg (fully working) OBO179 €
RUN & GUN / Konami (fully working) OBO 159€
CHASE HQ / Taito (untested) OBO 599€
TWIN EAGLE II/ Seta (fully working) OBO 249€
WELLTRIS / Video System (fully working) OBO 239€
KLAX / Atari (fully working) OBO 199€
PANG POM'S / Metro (fully working) OBO 249€
TECMO WORLD CUP '90 / Tecmo (fully working) OBO 159€
GALS PANIC II / Kaneko (fully working) OBO 159€
BLOCK OUT / Technos (fully working) OBO 159€
CRUSH ROLLER/ Kural (partially working: no sound) OBO 159€
COOL BOARDERS / Tecmo (fully working) OBO 199€
TEKKEN 2 / Namco (fully working) OBO 199€
TEKKEN TAG TOURNAMENT / Namco (fully working) OBO 279€
SOUL EDGE / Namco (fully working) OBO 179€
PLOTTING / Taito (fully working) OBO € OBO 149€
SUPER FOOTBALL CHAMP / Taito (fully working) OBO 149€
WORLD RALLY / Gaelco (fully working) OBO 129€
ZHUAN ZHUAN PUZZLE (SUPER LUP LUP PUZZLE) / Omega System (working, but humming sound) OBO 199€
THUNDER & LIGHTNING 2 / Allumer (fully working) OBO 199€
DJ BOY/ Kaneko (fully working) OBO 249€
TORIDE II (ADAUCHI GAIDEN) / Metro (partially working: no sound) OBO 99€
RONG RONG / Nakanihon (fully working) OBO 89€
EXCITING SOCCER / Alpha Denshi (fully working) OBO 199€
GOINDOL / Bootleg (fully working) OBO 179€
SEIBU CUP SOCCER / Seibu (fully working) OBO 169€
KARATE CHAMP VS / Data East (fully working) OBO 199€
BREAK THRU / Data East (fully working) OBO 289€
FOOTBALL CHAMP / Taito (fully working) OBO 109€
POCKET GAL 2 / Kaneko (fully working) OBO 99€
DONKEY KONG JUNIOR / Nintendo (untested) OBO 249€
DONKEY KONG (4 Stack TKG-CLK) / Nintendo (untested) OBO 979€
>>maybe very early production before the Radarscope conversion PCB's
DONKEY KONG TKG-4-II / Nintendo (untested) OBO 279€
ZAXXON / Sega (untested) OBO 289€
TURBO / Sega (untested) OBO 349€
SAFARI / Taito (untested) OBO 399€
DRIVING FORCE / Seatongrove (partially working: no sound, no coins - maybe cause adapter did not match) OBO 279€
ENDURO RACER / Sega (untested) OBO 389€
BULLET MARK / Sega (untested) OBO 299€
ZERO HOUR / Universal (untested) OBO 379€
EYES ?? / (untested) OBO 179€
MONACO GP / Sega (untested) OBO 349€
MONACO GP / Sega --- part ---(untested) OBO 129€
GALAXY WARS / Universal --- soundboard --(untested) OBO 159€
BATTLEZONE / Atari --- auxboard --(untested) OBO 109€
HALLEYS COMET /Taito --- B+C board --(untested) OBO 199€
SPACE PANIC / Universal --- main board --(untested) OBO 189€
HEAD ON? / Sidam? (untested) OBO 199€
HIGH IMPACT / Williams (not working: CMOS invalid, sound untested) OBO 199€
TETRIS / Atari (not working, chips missing) OBO 129€
1943/ Capcom (not working, chips missing) OBO 199€
CRAZY KONG (Falcon) (not working, chips missing) OBO 89€
SHADOW DANCER / Sega (partially working: sprite errors) OBO 279€
SEGA SAMMY ATOMISWAVE motherboard / Sega (tested: too bright and no sound) OBO 169€
THE KING OF FIGHTERS 11/ Sega SAMMY (tested: too bright and no sound) OBO 129€
SEGA-STV DIE HARD ARCADE / Sega (fully working) OBO 99€
IGS-PGM motherboard (fully working) OBO 89€
DODONPACHI DAIOUJOU Black Label / IGS-PGM (partially working: sprite errors) OBO 199€
Blue Elf 2 2009 (fully working) OBO 129€
1940 in 1 Games Family (untested) OBO 199€
The prices are OBO prices (negotiable!!!).
I know that the negotiation basis is partly quite high, but I am very open to price proposals of all kinds.
Dare - if you are interested in a title!
Looking forward to your offers/PMs!