Options for Flinstones WPC-s CPU repair/replacement

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Options for Flinstones WPC-s CPU repair/replacement

Post by goodicksa »

Looking for some advice on either repairing or replacing the CPU board on a Flintstones.
Board had battery leakage damage repaired in the past but it has returned. I initially thought it was just the switch matrix connectors that needed to be replaced but looking deeper I see that quite a few discrete components under the battery holder also show signs of contamination, plus the GND plain on the backside of the board has creep under the solder mask.

My options:
1) Repair it myself.
I have the connectors required but will need to order the resistors, caps, diodes. I used to order from great plains but I see the website says they shut down in 2022. Which shows how long I've been out of the loop.
Any recommendations for one simple stop shopping in Canada other than digikey or newark?

2) Send the board out for repair.
Anybody have recommendations for in Canada repair. I've used Flippers (John's Jukes) in the past.
Something closer in Ontario would be nice though.

3) Replace the board.
Quite a few options are available. Any community consensus on which one(s) are best quality?

Kind of leaning towards replacing the board with new and then repairing the existing one later... cause I like to procrastinate and drag things out until I forget what I was doing and then need additional help and parts because the original small job didn't fix itself but instead became larger.

any input on this matter would be appreciated. (just the board repair/replacement, not my procrastinative tendencies thanks. I already know I have issues.)
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Re: Options for Flinstones WPC-s CPU repair/replacement

Post by mrmikeman »

1) Digikey. It’s the only source I’ve found.
2) Pinball Medics
3) I have a Rottendog. Works perfect no issues however some ppl have had difficulty with some Rottendog boards.
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Re: Options for Flinstones WPC-s CPU repair/replacement

Post by goodicksa »

Think I'll give the repair a try so I've ordered the remaining parts I need plus a switch matrix tester.
I'll order a Rottendog CPU board if things end up going badly. Didn't see them on the Pinball Medics site but I know John's Jukes has them so it shouldn't be hard to get.

Thanks for the info.
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Re: Options for Flinstones WPC-s CPU repair/replacement

Post by Sparky »

I second Pinbal Medics. Rob repaired my battery acid damage on my Slugfest. He has a test bench and runs a board for a minimum of 24hrs straight to test them out once repaired.

He does miracles on boards deemed unrepairable. He just saved a fellow collector's STTNG board that was rough.

You can contact him through his website or call him directly at 514-809-1334.

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Re: Options for Flinstones WPC-s CPU repair/replacement

Post by goodicksa »

hmmm... had myself convinced to just do it myself but now I'm thinking of contacting Pinball Medics to get their opinion on the complexity of the repair.
If they feel it might be beyond an average hobbyist's capabilities then I'll just send it off.
Guess I'm only hesitant because it's already been fixed once before and the issue came back, so maybe it needs a more aggressive cleaning than I'm prepared or capable of doing.
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Re: Options for Flinstones WPC-s CPU repair/replacement

Post by luch »

send it to brent , contact info tommy.pinball@gmail.com

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