- R.A.B.
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Sounds tasteless and boring, eh ? Not a chance. Bob’s your uncle.
Vous allez être choiyez, parce que l’oncle Bob il est plein d’idées, - au point ou qu’il ne dors plus.
Des poissons fumé a point sur du bois d’érable et un choix plus varies de crudités, de fromages, olives verte serièusement fourées de plusieurs facons, de la pizza traditionelle a l’huile olive et tomates et des snacks assorti pour tous le gouts. Vous aurez vraiment pas besoin de souper avant de vous presenter. Les deux nouvelles hotêsses vont vous nourire et vous servir commes des rois. Et en plus de ca, il va avoir des bonbons d’halloween pour ceux qui sont poigne sur le sucre, et pour ces derniers, je vous suggère fortement le turbot fumé au sirop d’érable. Mère de dieu, vous allez vous garocher en bas des 53.5 marches !!
N'oublions pas les jouers serieux cette fois, pas comme l‘année passer, eux aussi vont être comblé.
Les quatre machines selectioner attentivement pour ce tounois sytle Pinbrawl sont : Gottlieb 1980 “COUNTERFORCE” (wide body assez intense)
Sonic 1977 “MARS TREK” (très rapide a la Williams)
Stern 1981 “SPLIT SECOND” (wide body de Harry Williams)
Gottlieb 1976 “TARGET ALPHA” (calibre de tournois extraordinaire)
Toutes les machines seront régler a 5 balles sauf la Williams “OXO“.
Et pour ceux qui veulent ce distraire et jouer d’une facon décontracter seule au avec d’autres members, les machines suivante seront disponible pour votre plaisir.
Bally 1936 “Bumper” (les cinq cents sont dans un bowl sur le petit backbox cute)
Dyna 198? “Cherry Master” (button sur le coté droit pour ajouter des credits)
Bally 1981 “Golden Continental” (quand ils manqué de credits utliser la clé dans la serrure d’en haut et le coin chuite switch sans wire guard, ou aller me chercher) Gottlieb 1971 “Challenger” (maintenant avec des flipper “yellow dot”. Il est inutile et ridicule d’essayer de jouer tous seule comme je fais des fois quand je m’ennui.)
Bally 1977 “Eight Ball” with an Evel Kenevil backglass for a lack of the appropriate one. Gottlieb 1977 “Golden Arrow” (le record pour les spéciales via la fleche dorée est de 12 credits en une parti, vas y mon Az)
Williams 1973 “OXO” ( a fast car by Williams)
NSM 1990 "Silver Sky" jukebox avec des selections varies.
Et le fameux 59 dans 1 de Sparky et Mursky qui appartient a mon fils Louis-Daniel, - ils nous a permis de le jouer pendant ce tournois du MPL Maintenant passons au choses serieuses, les régles de la maison et la responsabilité des invites pour qu’on ai tous du fun.
1) Paradoxe - Karine et Laurence nous ont combler avec leur classe, beauté de jeunesse et leur attentions charmant durnat les trois dernières années. Cette fois la nouvelle équipe d’hotesses vont faire de leur meiux de vous servir avec autant de grace et de bonnes conversations. Alors agisser pas comme des débiles, et soyez civiles car il seronts toutes.... Just kidding.
2) a la sources des choses, la limite de participants pour cette soirée est de 32 INVITES et le cout pour participer a cette soirée exceptionelle est fixé a vingt dollars cette fois. Payable a l’éntree au grand Dave. Si votre nom n’est pas sur la liste vous serait refuser d’une facon assez brusque. Si c’est trop cher pour le fun que vous allez avoir et que ca fait pas votre affiare, rester chez vous, et acheter vous une pizza a 10 piastre et demander a votre femme de vous la servir en petite tenu. La soirée va etre exceptionelle, je vous l’assure. On fait pas les choses a moitié ici’t.
Apporter ce que vous aimer boire, il y aura que de l’eau filtre gratuite pour chaser le caviar. Si il reste des fonds après les dépenses que j’ai prévu il y aura du 7up aussi.
Il n y aura aucune pièces livrer a ce meeting a moins qu‘ils sont payer d‘avance a la poissonerie et/ou au Launch Party de la nouvelle Stern “The Walking Dead” le 23 octobre au Billard Unison.
SVP noter que la canaille des pièces ne sera pas a mon meeting, je vous l’assure. En faite il n y aura aucune canaille a ce meeting, je vous le promets, les invités sont tous des gents avec du savoir vivre, a l'exception de Sly et Bank-Coil possiblement. Je vous aime les deux d'une facon égale.
PM ou poster votre intention pour y participer.
Photos des hotesses et des machines à suivre. Ce post va être mis a jour régulièrement. stay tuned.
Big Dave
Big Frank
Last edited by R.A.B. on Mon Oct 06, 2014 8:37 pm, edited 22 times in total.
Bally 1936 "Bumper" - North Star 1949 "Sea Breeze" - North Star 1950 "Richelieu" - Universal 1950 "Feature Bell" - Gottlieb 1952 "Queen of Hearts" - Williams 1960 "Ten Spot" - Gottlieb 1971 "Challenger" - Williams 1973 "OXO" - Bally 1976 "Bonanza"
Maxed out at 10 machines, no more. Un max de 10 machines, pas plus.
Une règle suivi guéri de tout. A rule respected can cure anything.
A philosophy of doing shall rule until the days when I can no longer "do" arrive. Because when I am too old to adjust an AX relay or relieve a woman friend from sighing, there will only be memories to fill my time. So, the task at hand is to build that RRSP of memories in order to joyfully cushion the later stages of life.
Personally prefer the exceptional qualities lurking beneath any normal state of affairs. Alas, our day to day is being promoted as extraordinary via a world wide web largely fueled by the new dumb & followed closely by the latest breed of unscrupulous scoundrels & judas goats. So, god bless the fool hearted, the crazed, and the railroaded all in good measure for they will likely inherit what is left of the earth after the screwheads are done with it. God damn darwinian primates, why do they refuse to evolve, even after all we should have learned from being dumb savages for so long.
"I try my best to be just like I am, but everybody wants you, to be just like them. " - Zimmy
Bally 1936 "Bumper" - North Star 1949 "Sea Breeze" - North Star 1950 "Richelieu" - Universal 1950 "Feature Bell" - Gottlieb 1952 "Queen of Hearts" - Williams 1960 "Ten Spot" - Gottlieb 1971 "Challenger" - Williams 1973 "OXO" - Bally 1976 "Bonanza"
Maxed out at 10 machines, no more. Un max de 10 machines, pas plus.
Une règle suivi guéri de tout. A rule respected can cure anything.
A philosophy of doing shall rule until the days when I can no longer "do" arrive. Because when I am too old to adjust an AX relay or relieve a woman friend from sighing, there will only be memories to fill my time. So, the task at hand is to build that RRSP of memories in order to joyfully cushion the later stages of life.
Personally prefer the exceptional qualities lurking beneath any normal state of affairs. Alas, our day to day is being promoted as extraordinary via a world wide web largely fueled by the new dumb & followed closely by the latest breed of unscrupulous scoundrels & judas goats. So, god bless the fool hearted, the crazed, and the railroaded all in good measure for they will likely inherit what is left of the earth after the screwheads are done with it. God damn darwinian primates, why do they refuse to evolve, even after all we should have learned from being dumb savages for so long.
"I try my best to be just like I am, but everybody wants you, to be just like them. " - Zimmy
- hyann
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Ben je vais continuer sur ma lancée et venir faire un tour, même s'il n'y aura de pièces
Working on: Taxi PF restoration
In french: Blog sur machines, romans et jeux:
MPL 2009-2010 Iron Man and Royal Flush: Best effort awards
MPL 2010-2011 Gary stern trophy !
Working on: Taxi PF restoration
In french: Blog sur machines, romans et jeux:
MPL 2009-2010 Iron Man and Royal Flush: Best effort awards
MPL 2010-2011 Gary stern trophy !
- Sly
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Elektra Bally: Prepare for the Gamma Dimension! !!!
Last Action Hero Data East: To be, or not to be. Not to be !!!
Rollergames Williams: Go for the wall !!!
Big guns Williams: She's mine now! Ah ha ha ha !!!
TRON Stern: The grid, a digital frontier !!!
Baby Pacman Bally: Waka Waka Waka !!!
Stargate Gottlieb: Shoot the pyramide !!!
The best game is ALWAYS the one you dont have.
Last Action Hero Data East: To be, or not to be. Not to be !!!
Rollergames Williams: Go for the wall !!!
Big guns Williams: She's mine now! Ah ha ha ha !!!
TRON Stern: The grid, a digital frontier !!!
Baby Pacman Bally: Waka Waka Waka !!!
Stargate Gottlieb: Shoot the pyramide !!!
The best game is ALWAYS the one you dont have.
- Azatotht
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Je devrais être là et cette année j'ai planifié de ne pas finir dernier (maudites mécaniques quand elles s'y mettent ), je vais laisser ça à Pat01.
I am the monster that breathing men would kill.
I, am Dracula... (and you're not!)
Pinball machines I have owned
Currently playing: Stern Lightning, Gottlieb Arena
I, am Dracula... (and you're not!)
Pinball machines I have owned
Currently playing: Stern Lightning, Gottlieb Arena
- Mindstorm88
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- R.A.B.
- MAACA Mega Contributor
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- Location: Fluttering above the trees and the bushes on the Island of the Nones.
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Comment ca Az ? Ta deux solid state dans le tournois, alors si le raisonnement que c'est les maudites mécaniques qui son le problème, ben ta juste 50 % de chances (shit, je commence a parler comme bank-coil) de te faire planter par PAT01, - away t'es capable !! Oublier pas, y a movingpictures dans les cartes.Azatotht wrote:Je devrais être là et cette année j'ai planifié de ne pas finir dernier (maudites mécaniques quand elles s'y mettent ), je vais laisser ça à Pat01.
Bally 1936 "Bumper" - North Star 1949 "Sea Breeze" - North Star 1950 "Richelieu" - Universal 1950 "Feature Bell" - Gottlieb 1952 "Queen of Hearts" - Williams 1960 "Ten Spot" - Gottlieb 1971 "Challenger" - Williams 1973 "OXO" - Bally 1976 "Bonanza"
Maxed out at 10 machines, no more. Un max de 10 machines, pas plus.
Une règle suivi guéri de tout. A rule respected can cure anything.
A philosophy of doing shall rule until the days when I can no longer "do" arrive. Because when I am too old to adjust an AX relay or relieve a woman friend from sighing, there will only be memories to fill my time. So, the task at hand is to build that RRSP of memories in order to joyfully cushion the later stages of life.
Personally prefer the exceptional qualities lurking beneath any normal state of affairs. Alas, our day to day is being promoted as extraordinary via a world wide web largely fueled by the new dumb & followed closely by the latest breed of unscrupulous scoundrels & judas goats. So, god bless the fool hearted, the crazed, and the railroaded all in good measure for they will likely inherit what is left of the earth after the screwheads are done with it. God damn darwinian primates, why do they refuse to evolve, even after all we should have learned from being dumb savages for so long.
"I try my best to be just like I am, but everybody wants you, to be just like them. " - Zimmy
Bally 1936 "Bumper" - North Star 1949 "Sea Breeze" - North Star 1950 "Richelieu" - Universal 1950 "Feature Bell" - Gottlieb 1952 "Queen of Hearts" - Williams 1960 "Ten Spot" - Gottlieb 1971 "Challenger" - Williams 1973 "OXO" - Bally 1976 "Bonanza"
Maxed out at 10 machines, no more. Un max de 10 machines, pas plus.
Une règle suivi guéri de tout. A rule respected can cure anything.
A philosophy of doing shall rule until the days when I can no longer "do" arrive. Because when I am too old to adjust an AX relay or relieve a woman friend from sighing, there will only be memories to fill my time. So, the task at hand is to build that RRSP of memories in order to joyfully cushion the later stages of life.
Personally prefer the exceptional qualities lurking beneath any normal state of affairs. Alas, our day to day is being promoted as extraordinary via a world wide web largely fueled by the new dumb & followed closely by the latest breed of unscrupulous scoundrels & judas goats. So, god bless the fool hearted, the crazed, and the railroaded all in good measure for they will likely inherit what is left of the earth after the screwheads are done with it. God damn darwinian primates, why do they refuse to evolve, even after all we should have learned from being dumb savages for so long.
"I try my best to be just like I am, but everybody wants you, to be just like them. " - Zimmy
- Sly
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Et il y aura aussi le meilleur de la division out!!!!R.A.B. wrote:Comment ca Az ? Ta deux solid state dans le tournois, alors si le raisonnement que c'est les maudites mécaniques qui son le problème, ben ta juste 50 % de chances (shit, je commence a parler comme bank-coil) de te faire planter par PAT01, - away t'es capable !! Oublier pas, y a movingpictures dans les cartes.Azatotht wrote:Je devrais être là et cette année j'ai planifié de ne pas finir dernier (maudites mécaniques quand elles s'y mettent ), je vais laisser ça à Pat01.
Elektra Bally: Prepare for the Gamma Dimension! !!!
Last Action Hero Data East: To be, or not to be. Not to be !!!
Rollergames Williams: Go for the wall !!!
Big guns Williams: She's mine now! Ah ha ha ha !!!
TRON Stern: The grid, a digital frontier !!!
Baby Pacman Bally: Waka Waka Waka !!!
Stargate Gottlieb: Shoot the pyramide !!!
The best game is ALWAYS the one you dont have.
Last Action Hero Data East: To be, or not to be. Not to be !!!
Rollergames Williams: Go for the wall !!!
Big guns Williams: She's mine now! Ah ha ha ha !!!
TRON Stern: The grid, a digital frontier !!!
Baby Pacman Bally: Waka Waka Waka !!!
Stargate Gottlieb: Shoot the pyramide !!!
The best game is ALWAYS the one you dont have.
- Lowrent
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Présent certain.
Ma blonde s'en va pour le weekend avec les filles !!
Je vais pouvoir dormir le lendemain matin !!!!
Ma blonde s'en va pour le weekend avec les filles !!
Je vais pouvoir dormir le lendemain matin !!!!
- redketchup
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Encore -1 pour moi... je devrais éventuellement être capable d'aller a un meeting avant la fin... le miens!
Bally Centaur, Fathom, Stern Flight 2000, Quicksilver, Catacomb, Nineball, Metallica Pro, Iron Maiden Pro, Wurlitzer 41, 700, 750e, 1100, 1900, 1700, Rockola 1428, tempo 1, seeburg VL 200
To see it:
To see it:
- Splitskull
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Very diplomatic Sparky...
I agree with Ian. $10/pers/meet is what we agreed.
Let me know if you need the longer answer. Let me just say i'm not as nice as Sparky
I agree with Ian. $10/pers/meet is what we agreed.
Let me know if you need the longer answer. Let me just say i'm not as nice as Sparky
- Movingpictures
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Splitskull wrote:Very diplomatic Sparky...
I agree with Ian. $10/pers/meet is what we agreed.
Let me know if you need the longer answer. Let me just say i'm not as nice as Sparky
Guys, this event belongs in a different category.
There will be 2 servers all evening that need to be paid - the extra $10 is needed to cover the added expense. I won't go into the exact numbers, but you can easily figure out the money they deserve to be paid for serving us screwjobs all evening.
Not to mention all types of fancy foods we will be munching on throughout the night.
R.A.B. likes to do things big, and paying out of his pocket to host 32 people at his place just does not compute.
Let's keep things in perspective; we are only talking about $10 here.
- R.A.B.
- MAACA Mega Contributor
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You must have slept through math class Sparky. The league is getting 320 bones from this meeting, so I don't know how you calculate stuff, but there are ample funds to cover whatever prizes and throphy stuff.
I also consulted Splitskull on making the October MPL 20$ an entry at Bruno's meeting and he said that it was a risk, and that some members may not show, but I am willing to take the chance in order to show the guys a great time.
And you could have also consulted me about this meeting, but since you are not coming, I thought i would talk to the second in command. And by the way, do me a favor, consult me before editing my posts when they don't say what you like.
I also consulted Splitskull on making the October MPL 20$ an entry at Bruno's meeting and he said that it was a risk, and that some members may not show, but I am willing to take the chance in order to show the guys a great time.
And you could have also consulted me about this meeting, but since you are not coming, I thought i would talk to the second in command. And by the way, do me a favor, consult me before editing my posts when they don't say what you like.
Bally 1936 "Bumper" - North Star 1949 "Sea Breeze" - North Star 1950 "Richelieu" - Universal 1950 "Feature Bell" - Gottlieb 1952 "Queen of Hearts" - Williams 1960 "Ten Spot" - Gottlieb 1971 "Challenger" - Williams 1973 "OXO" - Bally 1976 "Bonanza"
Maxed out at 10 machines, no more. Un max de 10 machines, pas plus.
Une règle suivi guéri de tout. A rule respected can cure anything.
A philosophy of doing shall rule until the days when I can no longer "do" arrive. Because when I am too old to adjust an AX relay or relieve a woman friend from sighing, there will only be memories to fill my time. So, the task at hand is to build that RRSP of memories in order to joyfully cushion the later stages of life.
Personally prefer the exceptional qualities lurking beneath any normal state of affairs. Alas, our day to day is being promoted as extraordinary via a world wide web largely fueled by the new dumb & followed closely by the latest breed of unscrupulous scoundrels & judas goats. So, god bless the fool hearted, the crazed, and the railroaded all in good measure for they will likely inherit what is left of the earth after the screwheads are done with it. God damn darwinian primates, why do they refuse to evolve, even after all we should have learned from being dumb savages for so long.
"I try my best to be just like I am, but everybody wants you, to be just like them. " - Zimmy
Bally 1936 "Bumper" - North Star 1949 "Sea Breeze" - North Star 1950 "Richelieu" - Universal 1950 "Feature Bell" - Gottlieb 1952 "Queen of Hearts" - Williams 1960 "Ten Spot" - Gottlieb 1971 "Challenger" - Williams 1973 "OXO" - Bally 1976 "Bonanza"
Maxed out at 10 machines, no more. Un max de 10 machines, pas plus.
Une règle suivi guéri de tout. A rule respected can cure anything.
A philosophy of doing shall rule until the days when I can no longer "do" arrive. Because when I am too old to adjust an AX relay or relieve a woman friend from sighing, there will only be memories to fill my time. So, the task at hand is to build that RRSP of memories in order to joyfully cushion the later stages of life.
Personally prefer the exceptional qualities lurking beneath any normal state of affairs. Alas, our day to day is being promoted as extraordinary via a world wide web largely fueled by the new dumb & followed closely by the latest breed of unscrupulous scoundrels & judas goats. So, god bless the fool hearted, the crazed, and the railroaded all in good measure for they will likely inherit what is left of the earth after the screwheads are done with it. God damn darwinian primates, why do they refuse to evolve, even after all we should have learned from being dumb savages for so long.
"I try my best to be just like I am, but everybody wants you, to be just like them. " - Zimmy
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Heille, heille, heille, attention à la chicane . Accordez-vous donc, c'est si beau l'accordéon.
En passant, -1 pour moi, c'est trop cher
En passant, -1 pour moi, c'est trop cher
Last edited by paidge on Mon Oct 06, 2014 8:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- P1AG Montréal - pièces/parts
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Victor told me (RAB) at Bruno's meeting that he didn't care either way, and you know that the editing count goes up on the first post everytime you add a player to the list and/or correct the spelling, at least RAB edits his own posts and not those of others. Talk about taking liberties without consulting.Sparky wrote:Well, sorry to say, but you and Adam are contradicting yourselves. One says cost coverage, one says league donation. OK... regardless. The cost of the prizes (40$ for winner, 20$ for each top team winner, total of 120$) is enough. And you edited your post 19 times... to the point that you don't even say that the 20$ is split half/half for the league. Sorry, I couldn't keep track.
You still should have consulted us first. There was a shitstorm years ago when we raised it to 10$ and the debate lasted a whole year. The "second in command" was more irate than me, so enjoy dealing with him instead.
Montréal : 1200 rue Bégin, St-Laurent, Qc H4R 1X1
514-856-2252 ou 888-322-2252
Toronto : 6420 Viscount Road, Mississauga, On L4V 1H3
416-251-2122 or 888-977-4263
514-856-2252 ou 888-322-2252
Toronto : 6420 Viscount Road, Mississauga, On L4V 1H3
416-251-2122 or 888-977-4263
- Mrhide
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paidge wrote:En passant, -1 pour moi, c'est trop cher
LF: COLOR VECTOR monitor, shmups or any PCB, specifically Namco System 1 (Pacmania), let me know what you have!
- Sly
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Je me fais sérieux 2 minutes:Sparky wrote:Funny... I can say the same thing about "PRIVATE" messages. I will leave it to that. This is pointless and going nowhere. I'm at work and have more important things to do than pointlessly debate.Starburst_Pieces_Parts wrote:. Talk about taking liberties without consulting.
Good luck with the meeting.
C'est assez les boys...passons à autres choses... SVP
Ce post est pour parler de notre envie de jouer au pinball et de se retrouver ensemble, en gang.
D'ailleurs, j'ai vraiment trop hâte de vous montrer mes new skills qui fera de moi un joueur de DIVISION B+ (Notez que le + est important ici)
Elektra Bally: Prepare for the Gamma Dimension! !!!
Last Action Hero Data East: To be, or not to be. Not to be !!!
Rollergames Williams: Go for the wall !!!
Big guns Williams: She's mine now! Ah ha ha ha !!!
TRON Stern: The grid, a digital frontier !!!
Baby Pacman Bally: Waka Waka Waka !!!
Stargate Gottlieb: Shoot the pyramide !!!
The best game is ALWAYS the one you dont have.
Last Action Hero Data East: To be, or not to be. Not to be !!!
Rollergames Williams: Go for the wall !!!
Big guns Williams: She's mine now! Ah ha ha ha !!!
TRON Stern: The grid, a digital frontier !!!
Baby Pacman Bally: Waka Waka Waka !!!
Stargate Gottlieb: Shoot the pyramide !!!
The best game is ALWAYS the one you dont have.
- YellowMustard
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gone but not forgotten: EFTLW, Secret Service, Gorgar, Elektra, Medusa, CENTAUR, FIREPOWER, ANDROMEDA(2), HS II The getaway, BSD(2), THE SHADOW, SPACE SHUTTLE, SM, X-MEN (shakered), GRAND PRIX (Italian reimport), Tales From The crypt, BSD(2), Nitro Ground Shaker, Harlem Globetrotters, INDY500, THE SHADOW (2), Twilightzone, RESCUE 911, Stern Playboy, BOP, Roadshow, highspeed, DrWho, Starwars DE
Vids: Outrun2 SP twin, mini outrun upright,mini monaco gP, MAME Xbox powered
Gone: MAME in NBA cab (sold)
gone but not forgotten: EFTLW, Secret Service, Gorgar, Elektra, Medusa, CENTAUR, FIREPOWER, ANDROMEDA(2), HS II The getaway, BSD(2), THE SHADOW, SPACE SHUTTLE, SM, X-MEN (shakered), GRAND PRIX (Italian reimport), Tales From The crypt, BSD(2), Nitro Ground Shaker, Harlem Globetrotters, INDY500, THE SHADOW (2), Twilightzone, RESCUE 911, Stern Playboy, BOP, Roadshow, highspeed, DrWho, Starwars DE
Vids: Outrun2 SP twin, mini outrun upright,mini monaco gP, MAME Xbox powered
Gone: MAME in NBA cab (sold)
- Splitskull
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I saw the post last night, but I said better ask Sparky and Aza before saying something.
Didn't we all had a long discussion about MPL fees? In the end we stayed at $10/pers/meet. Half to host(for snacks and things) and half to MPL(from which $60 goes to winners of that night($40 to team and $20 to top player) and the rest is for prizes at the end of the season). This didn't change yet. I asked both Sparky and Aza this morning. It's $10! (for this season at least).
Just a reminder to you all: when we started MPL meetings it were free. We only put the fee, just to have like a prize money at the end, to make it look like a competition and help the host with some of his expenses. Has nothing to do with what pins we play ($400 to $10k by Christmas pin), what we eat (chips, candy, cooked food, gummy bears or your yummy fishy things) or what we drink (water-really you said water is free?!?, pop, or beer, etc.).
If you, Rob, want to go big, by all means go. But is not MPL business what you want to do in terms of food/"girls"/extras. I'm not going to do the math for your stuff: how much for the girls, how much the food and maybe 7up. Yes, you told me at Bruno that you want to do something special and want $20/pers. I didn't say yes or no. And I'm pretty sure I said ask Sparky and Aza too before making a decision. Did you ask? I don't think so, because I asked them this morning about it. You just went bam. $20 take it or leave it.
So if you went like this, with take it or leave it, let me get back to you with these choices:
1. Have it your own way with $20. You get your 32ppl and have fun. Doesn't count as MPL night. No scores for MPL.
2. Go back to $10/pers. like it was before. IDC what you do with food and girls., not MPL problem. It counts as MPL night.
If you choose 1, then either this month MPL night is cancelled or we do it at someone else who doesn't mind. Don't worry about it.
Think it over before you choose something.
What bugs me is not that I don't have the extra $10, it's the principle. We agreed on $10/pers/meet for MPL season. Also you took it upon yourself to change that without discussing it. And the way you put it with if you don't like it,
Didn't we all had a long discussion about MPL fees? In the end we stayed at $10/pers/meet. Half to host(for snacks and things) and half to MPL(from which $60 goes to winners of that night($40 to team and $20 to top player) and the rest is for prizes at the end of the season). This didn't change yet. I asked both Sparky and Aza this morning. It's $10! (for this season at least).
Just a reminder to you all: when we started MPL meetings it were free. We only put the fee, just to have like a prize money at the end, to make it look like a competition and help the host with some of his expenses. Has nothing to do with what pins we play ($400 to $10k by Christmas pin), what we eat (chips, candy, cooked food, gummy bears or your yummy fishy things) or what we drink (water-really you said water is free?!?, pop, or beer, etc.).
If you, Rob, want to go big, by all means go. But is not MPL business what you want to do in terms of food/"girls"/extras. I'm not going to do the math for your stuff: how much for the girls, how much the food and maybe 7up. Yes, you told me at Bruno that you want to do something special and want $20/pers. I didn't say yes or no. And I'm pretty sure I said ask Sparky and Aza too before making a decision. Did you ask? I don't think so, because I asked them this morning about it. You just went bam. $20 take it or leave it.
So if you went like this, with take it or leave it, let me get back to you with these choices:
1. Have it your own way with $20. You get your 32ppl and have fun. Doesn't count as MPL night. No scores for MPL.
2. Go back to $10/pers. like it was before. IDC what you do with food and girls., not MPL problem. It counts as MPL night.
If you choose 1, then either this month MPL night is cancelled or we do it at someone else who doesn't mind. Don't worry about it.
Think it over before you choose something.
What bugs me is not that I don't have the extra $10, it's the principle. We agreed on $10/pers/meet for MPL season. Also you took it upon yourself to change that without discussing it. And the way you put it with if you don't like it,
rester chez vous, et acheter vous une pizza a 10 piastre et demander a votre femme de vous la servir en petite tenu.
- YellowMustard
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selon moi ce meet devrait pas compter MPL
si on regarde une dizaine reguliers de MPL sur 32 invités cela fausse un peu le "tournoi annuel"
j ai rien contre les gens qui viennent pas tres souvent mais ceux qui prennent cela au serieux se retrouve penalises ( je n en fais pas partie ).
Robert j ai rien contre ton concept et je trouve cela different et pas mauvais dans un sens
mais moi la bouffe et les filles ou quoi que ce soit c est pas l important!
revenons a la base jouer pinball! on couvre juste les frais de la personne qui recoit et les prix (10$) that s it!
anyways je serai pas pour une raison totalement etrangere a ce que je viens de dire...
je pense que ce type de soirees ont une raison d etre mais ne devraient pas etre un meet qui compte pour MPL
Plutot un genre d evenement special genre Joute du pirate ou klk chose comme cela...
J espere ne froisser personne puis si c est le cas y a des fers a repasser pour defroisser en special chez Walmart!
si on regarde une dizaine reguliers de MPL sur 32 invités cela fausse un peu le "tournoi annuel"
j ai rien contre les gens qui viennent pas tres souvent mais ceux qui prennent cela au serieux se retrouve penalises ( je n en fais pas partie ).
Robert j ai rien contre ton concept et je trouve cela different et pas mauvais dans un sens
mais moi la bouffe et les filles ou quoi que ce soit c est pas l important!
revenons a la base jouer pinball! on couvre juste les frais de la personne qui recoit et les prix (10$) that s it!
anyways je serai pas pour une raison totalement etrangere a ce que je viens de dire...
je pense que ce type de soirees ont une raison d etre mais ne devraient pas etre un meet qui compte pour MPL
Plutot un genre d evenement special genre Joute du pirate ou klk chose comme cela...
J espere ne froisser personne puis si c est le cas y a des fers a repasser pour defroisser en special chez Walmart!
gone but not forgotten: EFTLW, Secret Service, Gorgar, Elektra, Medusa, CENTAUR, FIREPOWER, ANDROMEDA(2), HS II The getaway, BSD(2), THE SHADOW, SPACE SHUTTLE, SM, X-MEN (shakered), GRAND PRIX (Italian reimport), Tales From The crypt, BSD(2), Nitro Ground Shaker, Harlem Globetrotters, INDY500, THE SHADOW (2), Twilightzone, RESCUE 911, Stern Playboy, BOP, Roadshow, highspeed, DrWho, Starwars DE
Vids: Outrun2 SP twin, mini outrun upright,mini monaco gP, MAME Xbox powered
Gone: MAME in NBA cab (sold)
gone but not forgotten: EFTLW, Secret Service, Gorgar, Elektra, Medusa, CENTAUR, FIREPOWER, ANDROMEDA(2), HS II The getaway, BSD(2), THE SHADOW, SPACE SHUTTLE, SM, X-MEN (shakered), GRAND PRIX (Italian reimport), Tales From The crypt, BSD(2), Nitro Ground Shaker, Harlem Globetrotters, INDY500, THE SHADOW (2), Twilightzone, RESCUE 911, Stern Playboy, BOP, Roadshow, highspeed, DrWho, Starwars DE
Vids: Outrun2 SP twin, mini outrun upright,mini monaco gP, MAME Xbox powered
Gone: MAME in NBA cab (sold)
- R.A.B.
- MAACA Mega Contributor
- Posts: 3523
- Joined: Sun Mar 27, 2011 8:17 pm
- Location: Fluttering above the trees and the bushes on the Island of the Nones.
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This thread can now be locked since there will be no such meeting as detailed in the first post above, mostly for the sake of the MPL’s point system to count this month and not to miss a beat for those who really care about the points. A more conservative & regular meeting will take place on the 24th in order for the points to be tabulated. The show must go on as they say, and it wouldn’t be fair on my part to not fulfill the promised event & date. The rules are a necessary part of any organization, that is a hard fact to deny. But there are always exceptions to the rules in any organization worth growing.
Example : The MPL at Starburst Montreal which I pushed for with the help of my co-worker Michel, and worked hard to convince our corporate bosses to hold at the season’s end in their Montreal showroom with brand new machines never collects the fees for hosting and gives it all back to the league to encourage growth. So as suggested I will take it down a notch from now on and accommodate the league and its rules going forward for both these events.
See the new thread for the October meeting once this one is locked. I will post in the traditional fashion of how the October MPL will roll at the Montreal Pinball shop. This locked thread will be one for the books, (and the recycling bin) the one meeting that got away and could have been extra-ordinary and broke new ground.
Example : The MPL at Starburst Montreal which I pushed for with the help of my co-worker Michel, and worked hard to convince our corporate bosses to hold at the season’s end in their Montreal showroom with brand new machines never collects the fees for hosting and gives it all back to the league to encourage growth. So as suggested I will take it down a notch from now on and accommodate the league and its rules going forward for both these events.
See the new thread for the October meeting once this one is locked. I will post in the traditional fashion of how the October MPL will roll at the Montreal Pinball shop. This locked thread will be one for the books, (and the recycling bin) the one meeting that got away and could have been extra-ordinary and broke new ground.
Bally 1936 "Bumper" - North Star 1949 "Sea Breeze" - North Star 1950 "Richelieu" - Universal 1950 "Feature Bell" - Gottlieb 1952 "Queen of Hearts" - Williams 1960 "Ten Spot" - Gottlieb 1971 "Challenger" - Williams 1973 "OXO" - Bally 1976 "Bonanza"
Maxed out at 10 machines, no more. Un max de 10 machines, pas plus.
Une règle suivi guéri de tout. A rule respected can cure anything.
A philosophy of doing shall rule until the days when I can no longer "do" arrive. Because when I am too old to adjust an AX relay or relieve a woman friend from sighing, there will only be memories to fill my time. So, the task at hand is to build that RRSP of memories in order to joyfully cushion the later stages of life.
Personally prefer the exceptional qualities lurking beneath any normal state of affairs. Alas, our day to day is being promoted as extraordinary via a world wide web largely fueled by the new dumb & followed closely by the latest breed of unscrupulous scoundrels & judas goats. So, god bless the fool hearted, the crazed, and the railroaded all in good measure for they will likely inherit what is left of the earth after the screwheads are done with it. God damn darwinian primates, why do they refuse to evolve, even after all we should have learned from being dumb savages for so long.
"I try my best to be just like I am, but everybody wants you, to be just like them. " - Zimmy
Bally 1936 "Bumper" - North Star 1949 "Sea Breeze" - North Star 1950 "Richelieu" - Universal 1950 "Feature Bell" - Gottlieb 1952 "Queen of Hearts" - Williams 1960 "Ten Spot" - Gottlieb 1971 "Challenger" - Williams 1973 "OXO" - Bally 1976 "Bonanza"
Maxed out at 10 machines, no more. Un max de 10 machines, pas plus.
Une règle suivi guéri de tout. A rule respected can cure anything.
A philosophy of doing shall rule until the days when I can no longer "do" arrive. Because when I am too old to adjust an AX relay or relieve a woman friend from sighing, there will only be memories to fill my time. So, the task at hand is to build that RRSP of memories in order to joyfully cushion the later stages of life.
Personally prefer the exceptional qualities lurking beneath any normal state of affairs. Alas, our day to day is being promoted as extraordinary via a world wide web largely fueled by the new dumb & followed closely by the latest breed of unscrupulous scoundrels & judas goats. So, god bless the fool hearted, the crazed, and the railroaded all in good measure for they will likely inherit what is left of the earth after the screwheads are done with it. God damn darwinian primates, why do they refuse to evolve, even after all we should have learned from being dumb savages for so long.
"I try my best to be just like I am, but everybody wants you, to be just like them. " - Zimmy