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Williams Bad Cats for sale...with video link!

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2024 10:03 am
by Pinballed
Here's a YouTube video link of me having a game of this Bad Cats just this evening...hope this works. You don't need to see the entire video to see all the functions working properly, but it turned out to be a good game, with a jackpot! ;)
Here's how she plays.

Ok. Long story short!
Either I do a full make up on her and make a few pennies extra in the long run...or I sell her as is and YOU can decide whether to do so
As she is she's in player quality. The sides had a wrap from a previous owner. So I removed it, which showed flaws and fade. The BG has some flaking at the top and bottom. You can see it but it doesn't draw your eye. This is a busy backglass!
I can show more pics to serious buyers

The good...the PF is great! And the gameplay is perfect.
The bg animation works as it should.
Sound is good.
Displays are good
Legs are nice and shiny
Tastefully LED'd...I did the PF in warm white. (Cold didn't look right on her) and matched all the colors. She POPS
This is a SUPER fun game. There's lots of shots and she's really fun.
Not easy to find one of these sound here

So for now shes a quick sale ..and I mean quick before I change my mind! (I have another pin coming!) At $4500. Pick up only.
Cash on glass.

For a player condition like this I always suggest to put her in between a couple machines and you won't even think about it.OR restore her yourself.along the way and you'll have a super nice Bad Cats. All the parts she needs are still available INCLUDING the backglass.

If she doesn't go super quick I'll do it myself but of course this won't be this cheap then.
Located in Mimico (West Toronto near the QEW and Humber)
If you know me from the past, my pins are always working well.

Thanks for looking

Re: Williams Bad Cats for sale

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2024 10:04 am
by Pinballed
These pics are shit. I'll send better pics to interested buyers

Re: Williams Bad Cats for sale

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2024 10:16 am
by Azatotht
If the video is on Youtube you can include it using this syntax:
Capture d’écran, le 2024-06-05 à 11.14.54.png

Re: Williams Bad Cats for sale

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2024 10:44 am
by Pinballed
It's.just on my phone but if that's the case ill make a better one and do that!

Re: Williams Bad Cats for sale...with video link!

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2024 10:05 am
by Pinballed
What I've decided to do is this...
I'll let her be at this price for a short while, maybe a week or so, then I'll start adding to her with upgrades. So a new repro BG and plastics all around to start (because I'll get those both at the same time). But, of course, that costs $$ so as I add to her appearance, the price goes up accordingly.

So get her now before the cost goes up for a really sweet playing Bad Cats ;)

Re: Williams Bad Cats for sale...with video link!

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2024 11:27 am
by Pinballed
Machine is spoken for thanks!