For sale: the website

Anything that is not Arcade related
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For sale: the website

Post by Azatotht »

Greetings everyone.

It is time for me to move on, I have been in private discussions with a serious buyer for the last couple of months but it doesn't look like things will be going forward.

I will be entertaining offers for the MAACA website. It doesn't mean I am looking to desperately get rid of it but if I can get a serious enough offer, I am ready to do it.

If you have interest then please pm me and let me know what you would be ready to offer. I am looking to be able to buy a nice game or two for my renovated basement, that's all.

So wether it's a money offer or a games offer, I will look into it. Could be easier for someone to trade games that he acquired for cheap, it does not matter to me.

Modern games preferred, I like most Spike 2's, never really played JJ's games but I'm open.

I'm in no rush so I will be looking at all offers.

It will be a complete transfer, I will transfer the hosting account to you (after removing my cc from that heh) and you'll be on your own. I am not looking to stay in charge or do anything to make this work anymore once I've moved on.

Time to make the changes you always wanted or start supporting the community by offering this platform for free to everyone.

Cheers and happy flipping.

Sylvain, aka Azatotht
I am the monster that breathing men would kill.
I, am Dracula... (and you're not!)

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HPR Pinball
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Re: For sale: the website

Post by HPR Pinball »

Salut Sylvain,

Tu a toujours été un modèle et un bon exemple a suivre et on l'a bien sentie au travers les années sur ce forum.

La communauté locale arcade et pinball existe grâce a maaca et grace a ton travail, je crois que c'est sûrement une belle fierté !

Le hobby s'est beaucoup transformer mais reste que l'entraide et le partage en est encore une composante très importante.

Alors bonne chance avec cette vente !
The video game i want to play is always the one i don't have :FP:
Les arcades, j'suis tombé d'dans quand j'tait pti !! :-)

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