Foo Fighters LE w/Topper

Pinball machines for sale only please, seulement machines à boules à vendre.
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Foo Fighters LE w/Topper

Post by Ponzie »

Selling my fully loaded Foo Fighters LE with official Stern topper, shooter rod and expression speaker lights.
Live concert code installed but can be reverted to stock easily.

I realize it's a buyer's market so this is priced to save someone the tax and shipping on an LE (which at today's prices is over $3,000 CAD). I also still love how the pin plays so I'm not in a panic to sell. I just want to throw this up for someone who may be looking for one of the nicest LEs I've ever seen Stern make.

Price in USD: $15,200
Price in CAD: $21,000

For those who might ask:
- Protection put in shooter lane by first owner day 1
- Plays and looks like new, regularly cleaned and maintained
- No damage anywhere, goodie bag still attached
- Glow in the dark titan rubbers on flippers and slings installed because I thought it looked cool (originals in the coin box)
- I can send more photos I'd you wish

Thanks for your consideration.
Merci pour votre considération.
FF Upper Playfield.jpg
FF Shooter Lane.jpg
FF Lower Playfield.jpg
FF LE Plaque.jpg
FF LE Backglass.jpg
FF Side Cabinet.jpg
FF Shooter Rod Top.jpg
FF LE Plaque.jpg

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